覺得自己英文太爛 只好找機會來練習英文
不如就翻一下棒球的文章好了 找呀找呀 找到一篇不算太長的棒球文
是Lou Gehrig在發現自己得了絕症以後 在洋基球場的演說
Fans:for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I got.
Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
卿卿吾迷:余嘗聞世人知悉余之病也 心繫之惴惴乎
然余之願者 乃容於天地之間 大山之巔者 未嘗於天地間至幸乎
I have been in ballpark for 17 years and have never received anything
but kindness and encouragement from you fans. Look at these grand man.
Which of you wouldn't consider it the highlight of his career
just to associate with them for even one day?
Sure, I’m lucky.
余本布衣 十又五而志於學 二十而立 三十又五知天命(註1)
若處球場之中 看台之上 曾忘情而不欲返 渺渺乎晃若無得 唯爾等鼓勵之
善無因小而微 此情之巨 此功之豐 余皆掛懷於心 未曾敢忘也
若余曾有點滴之業 此皆君之功也
嗟夫 此余之幸也
Who wouldn’t consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert?
Also, the builder of baseball's greatest empire, Ed Barrow;
to have spent six years with that wonderful little fellow, Miller Huggins;
then to have spent nine years with that outstanding leader, the smart
student of psychology -- the best manager in baseball today, Joe McCarty?
Sure I'm lucky.
賈氏陸普 其功之煌 其人之善 君皆嚮往之也 余亦嚮往之也
艾氏巴羅 棒球界亞歷山大者 得與共事 余之榮幸也
米氏胡金 棒球界之藤真 曾吝情球員忘返 共度六載 此乃余之榮幸也
就賣靠盃 猶如安西教練者 巍巍乎如嵩山之巔 浩浩乎如渤海之深
曾與之三三有數者 余亦豈非幸哉
嗟夫 此余之幸也
When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat,
and vice versa, send you a gift -- that's something!
余嘗攻伐紐洲巨人 鄙者亦起而抗之
然皆未曾放水乎 是故勝亦歡欣 敗亦不餒
今夕嘗受之饋贈 曾惶恐哉 後釋然之 此乃余之幸也
When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those boys in white coats
remember you with trophies -- that's something!
洒掃鄙人乎 白衣童子乎 皆未曾忘懷焉 此乃余之幸也
When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in
squabbles against her own daughter -- that's something!
曾有泰水 余與其女起爭端者 未嘗於其女之側 皆余之 此乃余之幸也
When you have a father and mother who work all their lives so that you
can have an education and build your body -- that's blessing!
汲汲於生活者 營營於工作者 此乃余摯愛之父母也
夫父母之養育恩無以報答 生於此等上天恩寵之家庭 余豈非幸哉
When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and
shown more courage than you dreamed existed -- that's the finest I know!
余愛妻伊氏 貌似柔如芳草 實則固若長城 其堅如金 其情似水
人生得妻如此 夫復合求哉 夫復合求哉
So I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break,
but I have an awful lot to live for! Thank you."
種種於此 余未嘗言余之前路艱辛哉
舉凡險阻之事 福無雙至 此乃古今皆然 而又何羨乎
故心念所至 舉杯盡歡 未曾掛懷哉
嗟夫 余能與眾人共享之榮耀焉 此余之幸哉 甚感欣慰哉
註1:Lou Gehrig20歲進MLB 35歲發現自己得病 所以二十而立 三十五知天命